Why Men Don't Buy Underwear
As one of two men in class, I feel there are certain things about my gender I should explain to the overwhelming majority in our class.
Maybe this is some form of civic duty. Maybe this is just me writing about underwear.
Let's move.
Anyone who is living has probably noticed that men tend to ride the same pair of boxers for years on end. Essentially, our only requirement for underwear is that it form a protective barrier between our zipper and our manhood.
Thus, we stick with our boxers until they can no longer serve this function, which usually means the underwear has disintegrated, become a part of the atmosphere and been carried away by a nitgogen molecule which, if it is a male nitrogen molecule, has given the boxers particle a quick sniff and put it on.
Women, of course, find this repulsive, which is the only reason men every buy new underwear. In fact, men would probably still be living in caves, walking around naked and communicating in well-timed scratches and gutteral noises if women did not demand a basic level of civility from us.
We go to dance clubs because girls go do dance clubs. We clean our bathrooms because girls like clean bathrooms. We buy fancy shirts with stripes and buttons because girls like fancy shirts with stripes and buttons.
(Incidentally, we buy pink polo shirts and pop the collars because we're homosexuals and other men like pink polo shirts with popped collars. But that is neither here nor there.)
I think, to varying degrees, women are aware of this phenomenon -- that we spend a great deal of effort solely to make ourselves presentable to women. This it seems would make for an empowering feeling, particularly for women being pursued by multiple potential suitors. On the other hand, I have no idea what it is like being constantly approached with bad pickup lines, offered free drinks and insincere compliments and asked for "dates," although, as a man, that sounds fantastic. I think that's what it's like being in a rock band, which explains why so many men, who would never touch a piano or a trumpet, want to play guitar.
If you're waiting for some profound point to come out of all this, you probably have not yet realized this blog is being generated by a mind barren of profundities.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some underwear shopping to do.
I was writing about underwear wear and I found your posting. I hope you don't mind that I used you as a reference :-) gregg
I like your writing. It's funny and slightly insightful. I also agree with you that women bring men to civility. A quick reference to history showcases this, just ask Bearman.
I think it's funny that the post with the most comments is about underwear.
I thought women bought men underwear because men pick out boring old white ones.
Be careful, ladies, when buying men underwear. Someday they might want to return the favor, and I'm not sure comfort will be at the top of their list.
I think it's funny that the post with the most comments is about underwear.
I thought women bought men underwear because men pick out boring old white ones.
Be careful, ladies, when buying men underwear. Someday they might want to return the favor, and I'm not sure comfort will be at the top of their list.
Very interesting post..I am impressed by your writing style...
Briefs,White Briefs
First of all i must say that: I love your writing style. Second, of course women bring men to civility.
Even Mark Twain said "What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce."
Hell yes, you guys would be eating raw cow liver dipped in salt water with mud sauce and and juicy cockroaches as a side dish.
Im just kidding. However, I think about the contributions that women have done for our country and the important hallmarks that granted us their insight, their grace, and their perseverance against adversity.
Well actually there are countries where women are barely even considered humans think of how miserable those countries must be without the influence of women.
Now, go on and buy some new underwear!
mens underwear catalog
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