Guys+Girls=Friends? Not really.
A girl I know told me she didn't understand why she couldn't seem to maintain friendships with guys. She said, at some point, the guy would want something more, she would reject him, and the friendship would basically end right there.
She was torn about this, wondering if there was something inherently unfriendly in her.
She was way overanalyzing it.
The answer, women, is this: Guys will never pursue friendships with girls. If a guy make an effort to talk to or spend time with a girl, he either has romantic feelings for her or wants to have sex with her. We are pretty satisfied with our male friends. We have to act differently around girls, and we don't want to do that unless we're getting something out of it.
For those reasons, girls just don't make good friends for men. We have to eliminate a minimum of 65 percent of our conversation topics when girls are around, we can't expell gas, we have to exhibit the most basic forms of civility. It sucks.
This is not to say we cannot have female friends. Guys will tolerate female friendships for the following reasons:
1. The girl is your buddy's girlfriend -- Often times, mixing girlfriends and bros is like mixing Al Franken and An Coulter, but if the girl is a relatively reasonable human being and doesn't require constant attention, we can be friends.
2. We're still in the interim period between meeting and, um, whatever is going to happen thereafter -- The interim can usually last no longer than a couple of months, at which point the guy will have either ruined it by being too pushy or have given up for lack of positive signs.
3. You've known eachother forever --If you went to grade school, junior high, heck, even high school together (assuming you saw eachother almost every day during that period), friendships are acceptable, although the girl should know that the guy is probably making a move on her at some point. In this case, rejection won't end the friendship.
4. The guy is gay -- This is a whole 'nother blog altogether.
I really enjoyed your writing style and the infusion of humor and conversation. But what about the people who become good friends, almost brother and sister like, when they meet later in life?
I found much humor in this as well. Two of my sisters always seemed to have an endless flow of boys in their lives who were friends, but I never did. I value my women friends for different reasons that men value friendships for sure. But, most men I know would die to know what we actually talk about between girls.
When I think about the guys in my life who are truly friends they are 1) gay and/or 2) the husbands of my closest girlfriends. Hmm. I've yet to encounter the later in life kind. I must be too young!
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